Thursday, December 3, 2009

What's My Eye Color?

I know I am blowing this way out of proportion, but I can't figure out what eye color to put on my ID card and hazel apparently isn't an option, or the lady refuses to put it on there... My friends say that my eye color changes from grey to green to a superlight honey brown to a grey/brown to a grey/blue or blue/green or green/grey. In other words they have no idea what I should put. I am currently looking to switch boarding schools and am required to have an ID from my old school to make the switch.


These are the best pics I have. Thanks in advance!What's My Eye Color?
I have eyes like these, and it can be confusing for people/yourself! I'd just stick eith the grey option if I were you..What's My Eye Color?
From a distance like in the second picture they look more blue.
My friends eyes are like yours i would say a bit of blue with grey
i would put blue, you have awesome eyes! =D
they look more green to me
put hazel for the school form thing.

but for your own refference i would say that they have a line of grey on them, at least thats what it looks like on the first picture
hazel with more blue then brown. very pretty! :)
Holy cow, lady! Really pretty eyes =o I'd say blue though...
Look more green than blue.....You have such pretty eyes..I love them!
very pretty eyes... i would put blue.
in the second one they look turquoise, in the first, a hazel-y blue.
green, your eyes are like mine and i have the same problem, somedays they're blue, sometimes green, sometimes light brown, but i would definitely say green, they look like they are green based anyway, with blue and brown rings.
your eyes are blue
I would put Hazel down for color.
I would put green.
Id say blue/green, basically hazel. Definately more blue than green, though
I would have to go with blue also if all else fails.
blue/green, more so blue

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