Thursday, December 10, 2009

How to change eye color.. permently?

newiriscolor. is it safe..

first plastic surgery was said to b dangerous and blah blah blah.. but now itz all safe.. will the same thing happen to dis newiriscolor.. would u ppl(who have brown iris) change ur eye color by taking dis surgey.. to change eye color.. permently?
Easiest way:

Go blind.

Like those 98-year-old men who have one really really pale blue blind eye and the other one, say, hazel.

lol, jk.How to change eye color.. permently?
Oh God no! I don't know why but it seems to me like that'd hurt...maybe I'm just being paranoid :) I don't have brown eyes, I have green eyes and I wear contacts, so I can't imagine some sort of contact inserted permanently in my eye ahhhh! lol. Believe me, I think brown eyes are beautiful. I rather have brown or even black eyes if that meant having good eyesight. So if you have good vision...don't screw it up with surgery to beautify your eyes! ^.^
NOPE....i love my brown eyes....its very natural and beautiful and i would never change it :)
don't do that... ever.
i wouldn't want to! use colored contacts
I wouldn't ever do this, what if I changed my mind about what color I wanted!? Color contacts seem like a much more sensible option.
Nope. I have that dark brown doe eye color. My eyes are one of my most favorite features. I think my brown eyes and rosy pink cheeks make me a very approachable person.

Oh, and plastic surgery isn't always safe. You could have the best surgeon in the world in the cleanest environment do plastic surgery on you, and somehow infection can set in or your body decides not to heal properly. There is always an element of risk involved.
wow!! why the heck would you want to do that!!!!!
y would u do tht ull mess it up

just stick to contacts!
Okay I checked out the website but honestly it just doesn't look right. Doesn't look real even if it is implanted in there. The color and I guess the design just don't look natural.
get colored contacts
Hahaha .....its ok Helo P :) I really understand.....

It's really up to u if u want to do this but u already know my answer....

I think u should just wear color contacts....I've seen many people with them and they look really coool :)
One question after reading this. Why would people with heterochromia want to make get this surgery? Heterochromia is so awesome!
it doesnt sound necessary

but then again

there could be good reasons

i was born with two different colored eyes

if all the sudden they changed to the same color

i would have one of them changed brown

having two different colored eyes it part of my identity

so if you need it

im sure its safe

go for it!
id b to scared to try it out. i'd use contacts instead. wat color r ur eyes? i bet there's nothing wrong with them.

I love my greysh-blue color

and natural
any intervetion in your body that is not really necessary is not good. It is too soon to try that option and there is nothing wrong in having brown eyes

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